


Development ofa mobilityplatform within4 months.

  • Mobility
  • Native app
  • UX/UI Design
Woman on Check scooter, using the Check app

Quick overview


4 Months


  • mobility


  • Front-end Development
  • UI/UX Design
  • Back-end Development
  • Mobile Development


  • iOS app
  • Android app
  • Branding
  • Customer succes

Reliable from A to B with an electric scooter-sharing system

Environmentally friendly, affordable and reliable transportation for the last mile to your destination on an electric scooter. Check aims to become the largest provider of short rides within the Randstad region in the Netherlands. The scooter-sharing service went live in Rotterdam in February 2020. As the digital partner of Check, we developed the entire digital platform, from apps to the website and management dashboards, in a very short time.

Mockup check app
Check app on mobile

Within 15 minutes

Everyone needing to travel from A to B in the city falls within Check's target audience, says Marco Knitel, co-founder of Check. "During the evening rush hour in Rotterdam, a car ride of 30 minutes can easily take an extra 19 minutes. Public transport is also congested. The challenge lies in the last mile and that's precisely where our electric scooters offer you a reliable option."

Based on his experience as a General Manager at Uber, Knitel understands the importance of reliability. "The scooter, the app and the entire customer journey must have a clear and simple design. Only then will people see the scooter-sharing system as a replacement for their car. After all, it's also cheaper and faster." With this vision of micro-mobility, Check turned to Label A, which has built significant knowledge and experience in the mobility world.

Digital ecosystem in four months

Originally, Label A was only supposed to create the mobile apps that would interface with the backend. Check involved Label A in evaluating the planned platform. "Together, we concluded that the solution was very comprehensive. We decided that we would rather build our own platform where we had complete control," explains Knitel. Label A delivered the project in four months and six sprints within the specified budget. "This is remarkable for these types of projects. Not a single feature was left untouched and the end product was in many ways better than we envisioned."

Mobile Check app mockups

The engine behind the platform

Label A developed the complete digital ecosystem behind the electric scooter-sharing service. This includes the design and development of the website, iOS and Android apps, the user environment where account details and invoices are managed and the portal for Check employees with aggregated online tools and the data warehouse where dashboards provide insights. "Both companies share the vision that complete control and ownership of the customer experience and data are necessary to be distinctive and remain so. It's a young, rapidly changing and competitive market where agility is essential," says Freya van Os, managing director of Label A.

Mockup check website

Collaboration was a crucial success factor, according to Kolthoff. "Marco, as a product owner, has a clear vision and technical understanding. He was closely involved throughout the entire project, physically present weekly and easily reachable. It was very pleasant because being able to quickly discuss and verify choices makes a world of difference for developers." User stories and acceptance criteria following the Gherkin method reduced misunderstandings between different disciplines. Additionally, Label A's application of agile worked well in the entire product development process, says Knitel. "It provided focus to the sprints. The scrum process helps make choices and set priorities focused on the most added value."

In February 2020, Check went live as the third scooter-sharing provider in Rotterdam. "We see enough room for multiple providers in the market, but we want to be the biggest," says Knitel. "Only with a simple and well-designed platform can we stand out. This means a reliable product without frills. In the app store, the Check app is already rated 4.8 and in a comparison by both RTL-Z and Bright, our app was rated as the best. We achieved this only by building our platform with Label A as our digital partner."

Want to take a ride yourself? You can download the Check app here for Android and iOS.

Image of mobile phone with check app displaying

Best app for e-scooters in Rotterdam

Entire new ecosystem in four months with agile scrum methodology

Scalable and quality platform with license check in seconds

App rated as the best by Bright and RTLZ

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Rogier Stroband

Rogier Stroband

Commercial Director

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