


Uniquereservationtool for theworld's largestchargingstation.

  • Energy
  • Web
  • UX/UI Design
  • Strategy
Two Watthub charging stations. To the left of them are two parked trucksm and to the right a parked crane machine.

Quick overview

Ensuring full certainty of fast charging



  • energy


  • Back-end Development
  • Front-end Development
  • Strategy
  • UI/UX Design


  • Optimal use of capacity

Efficient use of charging station

WattHub, an initiative by a construction consortium of 3 parties (Dura Vermeer, Ploegam and Van Oord) and the 'Burgerwindcoöperatie West-Betuwe', is the first and largest charging station for electric trucks and construction equipment in the world. The charging station along the A15 near Geldermalsen provides a solution to power all sustainably driven construction equipment used in the dike reinforcement project 'Mekante Diek.' Label A developed a unique digital reservation tool that enables efficient use of the charging station, allowing continuous work on the construction site with charged equipment.

Watthub charging stations with parked trucks next to them being charged.

Building an optimally functioning solution

The idea for Watthub emerged in early 2021 when the dike reinforcement project between Tiel and Waardenburg was awarded to the Mekante Diek construction consortium. One condition was to execute this project completely emission-free. The infrastructure for charging large equipment and trucks did not exist, so the Mekante Diek consortium decided to collaborate to develop it themselves. Initially for their own use, but since October 1, 2023, Watthub has also been accessible to Watthub's customers

After a selection process, Label A was chosen to develop the complex reservation tool for Watthub. With clients like Van Oord, EV box, Check and Spotten (Dura Vermeer), Label A also has a proven track record in the construction, mobility and energy markets; this was a significant factor for Watthub in selecting the right partner. Our experience in developing complex custom software and our approach to translating Watthub's needs into the right solution were crucial in this decision.

The Product Owner of Watthub had a broad understanding of the platform's operation and functionalities, but translating this into an optimally functioning solution in close collaboration is precisely what Label A's process is designed for. Based on Watthub's needs, end-user input, feedback, testing and workshops, we developed the ideal tool.

The reservation screen in the WattHub site. It shows the week overview with a column for every day. Several timeslots have been reserved. Colors are used to show a different state. On the left, there is a sidebar where you can filter by machine.
Dutch king Willem-Alexander visiting the WattHub location. To the left of him are charging stations, and to the right a crowd of people applauding him. He is followed by an entourage of people in suits.

Streamlined coordination for maximum efficiency.

Charging construction equipment is a business-critical process. Waiting and charging times must be minimized to achieve maximum efficiency. By conducting interviews with end-users, we gained a good understanding of usage and workflows. These insights, obtained through user research, later proved essential in developing the reservation tool.

"For Watthub, a stable, scalable reservation system is crucial. It is the missing link between all existing third-party software. Additionally, we can facilitate software that does not yet exist. Together with Label A, we have designed and realized the perfect software for Watthub. This solution enables us to meet our customer's needs and provides us with the scalability to easily grow in the future. Label A is a great partner to work with,"

Gerben van den Berg, CEO Watthub
Detail view of three different Watthub web pages. The screen on the left shows information about the pickup time and charging level amounts. The two screens on the rights show the reservation overview.

From charging stress to charging certainty

With a (business) account, a Watthub customer can easily reserve a charging spot in the reservation tool, ensuring 100% certainty of fast charging without waiting times, in the desired time slot. The tool is also very user-friendly for Watthub location planners. They can consult the schedule of the entire charging station and make adjustments through a clear dashboard. This allows Watthub to provide charging certainty for all contractors and their equipment on the construction site, as well as external customers using the charging station.

Facts & Figures

A scalable platform for large numbers of batteries, vehicles and 36 DC charging points with 400kW power and 6 power lock connections for AC charging.

As a developer, a crucial role in devising processes and software in collaboration with Watthub's Product Owner.

Ready to scale to future new charging stations at other locations to meet Watthub's growth ambitions.

Ready to take action?

We're not just solving cases; we're crafting resolutions. Our dedicated team of experts is committed to bringing you the answers you need. Trust us to navigate the complexities and find the best path forward. Your case is our priority. Let's work together to achieve the solution you deserve.

Rogier Stroband

Rogier Stroband

Commercial Director

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